Scientific Facilities
The Department of Rehabilitation Sciences has its own scientific facilities that provide the link between research and application.

The LAB - Laboratory of Assistive Technology and Accessibility - is a multidisciplinary facility of the Rehabilitation Technology Department. It provides the infrastructure of a modern electronics laboratory and a learning laboratory for assistive technology and accessibility.

The study-LAB - Learning Lab for Assistive Technology and Accessibility - of the Department of Rehabilitation Technology offers students, lecturers and interested parties of the TU Dortmund University the opportunity to deal with rehabilitation technology issues in a research- and practice-oriented way.

Learning Workshop
The learning workshop is a place to stimulate active learning and discussion, where students, lecturers, teachers can exchange ideas and discuss current problems.

The Testothek has psychological test procedures with a focus on learning and performance diagnostics. In addition to the psychodiagnostic test procedures, manuals on psychodiagnostics as well as support and learning materials are available for loan.

Center for Counseling and Therapy
The Center for Counseling and Therapy (Zentrum für Beratung und Therapie: ZBT) is service, education and research facility of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences. The ZBT includes the Movement Outpatient Center, the Speech Therapy Outpatient Center and the UK Network (Counseling Center for Augmentative and Alternative Communication).

Qualitative Research Skills Lab
The Qualitative Research Skills Lab (QRSL) is a consulting service offered by the CHIP department. As a practice-oriented learning and research workshop, it provides students, teachers, and doctoral candidates with support in selecting and applying qualitative research and evaluation methods.