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The habilitation is the highest university examination that can be taken in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at TU Dortmund University as part of an academic examination procedure. It establishes the ability to teach in a scientific subject.

If you have any questions about habilitations, please contact the Dean's office of the Department.

Successful habilitations

Dr. ped. Katja Subellok

  • Venia Legendi for the teaching area "Rehabilitation and Pedagogy in the Areas of Language, Communication and Hearing".
  • Award of the Venia Legendi: 12.11.2008

Dr. rer. soc. Rainer Wetzler

  • Venia Legendi for the teaching area "Sociology of Rehabilitation and Social Systems".
  • Award of the Venia Legendi: 12.07.2007

Dr. paed. Karlheinz Barth

  • Venia Legendi for the teaching area "Special Education: Early Recognition and Prevention of Learning Disorders".
  • Award of the Venia Legendi: 03.05.2006

Dr. paed. Philipp Walkenhorst

  • Venia Legendi for the teaching area "Rehabilitation and Pedagogy in Behavioural Disorders".
  • Award of the Venia Legendi: 04.05.2006

Dr. phil. Friedrich Linderkamp

  • Venia Legendi for the teaching area "Rehabilitation Psychology".
  • Award of the Venia Legendi: 12.07.2006

Dr. phil. Rosemarie Tüpker

  • Venia Legendi for the teaching area "Music in Rehabilitation and Therapy".
  • Award of the Venia Legendi: 13.04.2005

Dr. paed. Christian Wevelsiep

  • Venia Legendi for the teaching area "Theory of Rehabilitation and Pedagogy in Disability".
  • Award of the Venia Legendi: 11.05.2005

Dr. paed. Barbara Ortland

  • Venia Legendi for the subject area "Pedagogy of Physical Disability".
  • Award of the Venia Legendi: 19.10.2005

Dr. paed Jürgen Steiner

  • Venia Legendi for the teaching area "Rehabilitation and Pedagogy for Adults with Communication and Speech Disorders".
  • Award of the Venia Legendi: 19.11.2004